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Durian Season in Vietnam: When Does it Start and End?

Writer's picture: Joyce LeJoyce Le

Updated: Oct 1, 2023

The durian season in Vietnam extends throughout the year, varying across different regions and climatic conditions. Each area has specific harvest times due to these variations.

Durian Season in Vietnam
Durian Season in Vietnam

Here's the durian harvesting season in Vietnam:

March - May: Main harvest season in the Western region. Limited planting areas lead to lower yields during this period.

April - July: Main harvest season in Eastern provinces like Đong Nai and Đuc Linh (Binh Thuan).

May - July: Main harvest season in areas like Tay Ninh and Binh Phuoc. Provinces like Phuoc Long, Binh Long, and Loc Ninh usually harvest earlier than regions such as Bu Dang, Da Hoai, and Da Te (Lam Đong).

July - August: Main harvest season in the Dak Nong region. Areas near Bu Dang harvest earliest in July, while Dak-mil and Cu-jut regions harvest latest.

August - September: Main harvest season in Dak Lak region. Buon Me Thuot, Krong Pack, and Krong Nang harvest earliest, while Krong Buk and E”Hleo regions harvest later.

September - October: Main harvest season in Gia Lai region.

October - November: Main harvest season in the Bao Loc region. During the off-season, durian prices here tend to be higher due to smaller planting areas.

November - March of the following year: Off-season in the Western region.

Durian Season Characteristics.

The durian season may begin earlier if regions face droughts with little rainfall, causing the soil to dry quickly and prompting early fruiting. Conversely, extended rainy and cold weather, along with a delayed dry season, can lead to later fruiting, causing a delayed harvest start of about 3 to 3.5 months. Moreover, each durian variety also has its own specific harvest season. For example, if two varieties of Ri6 and Thai durian varieties are planted together, the Ri6 variety will usually be able to start harvesting 25-30 days earlier than the Thai variety.

Identifying Ripe Durian.

Determining the ripeness of durian might not involve dramatic changes in the color of the husk, but several distinct features can help you identify when the fruit is ready to be enjoyed.

Fruit Shape: Ripe durian will have a more sunken appearance, with more pronounced spikes on the husk. This change usually occurs around 3.5 months after the durian tree blooms.

Running Lines on the Skin: As the fruit ripens, the lines running down the middle of the fruit, from the stem to the base, will start to split open.

Stem and Tree Trunk: When the durian is ripe, the stem and the area around it will become slightly larger compared to before.

Aroma: A distinctive strong and fragrant aroma characterizes ripe durian. After harvesting, it's advisable to wrap the durian in cloth to prevent damage.

Based on Fruit Maturation Time:

It takes around 100 to 120 days from the moment the durian fruit sets to its maturation. However, the time it takes to ripen can vary due to factors like the durian variety, natural conditions, climate, and care practices.

Based on Spotting First Ripe Fruits on the Tree:

To determine the first batch of ripe durians, look for the "spotting," which are the first fruits on the tree showing signs of ripening. This can help you anticipate the next ripening phase and determine the appropriate harvest time.

Spotting Ripe Signs: Fruits that mature shortly after the tree blooms take around 100 to 110 days.

Full Ripeness: About 10 to 15 days after spotting the first ripe fruit, all the remaining fruits on the tree should be fully ripe.

The durian season in Vietnam is a year-round affair, with specific timings influenced by geographical location and weather conditions. Factors like drought, heavy rainfall, and cold weather can affect the start and duration of the season, resulting in varying harvest times. This diversity makes the durian season a dynamic and fascinating aspect of agricultural cycles in Vietnam.

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