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Soybean - Accompanying the people of Bac Giang province, Vietnam during the Covid-19 epidemic.

Mady Nguyen

Updated: Aug 25, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching consequences across various sectors worldwide, and the agricultural industry in Vietnam has also been significantly affected. While many agricultural production households are struggling because agricultural products are difficult to consume due to the epidemic, many farming families in Bac Giang province are still "living well", overcoming the epidemic with stable incomes thanks to the association of farming production soybean.

Vietnam has also been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
Vietnam has also been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

Growing vegetable soybeans is not as profitable as other varieties.

Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thuan's family, Thanh Son village and dozens of households in Dong Phu commune (Luc Nam district) shared: In this crop, the family grows 2 sao, 3 crops per year, the average yield is more than 3 quintals/sao/. service. Growing vegetable soybeans is not profitable like some other agricultural products. But through the new epidemic, many ordinary farmers could not sell their goods because traders did not come to buy. Link planting vegetable soybeans, although the profit is not high, but it is safe to eat.

Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thuan's family
Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thuan's family

Some notes when growing vegetable soybeans in Bac Giang province.

Along with corn, vegetable soybean in Bac Giang is one of the crops grown by farmers in rotation or as an alternative to rice. Vegetable soybean plants are drought tolerant but afraid of waterlogging. Vegetable soybeans can only tolerate water logging during the seedling period before flowering. Therefore, in the process of soil preparation, it is advisable to hoe to dig drainage ditches around the edge of the field, each trench is 3 - 5 m apart, 30 cm deep, 20 cm wide to help drain water quickly when it rains a lot, without allowing water to stagnate. in the field

During the sowing process, the seeds should not be buried deep in the soil (no more than 1.5 cm), ensure the soil is sufficiently moist (70-80%), and do not sow on the ground too wet. Avoid sowing seeds on rainy and stormy days.

green soy beans ready on a farmer's field
Green soy beans ready on a farmer's field

Soybeans need to provide enough moisture to grow well, but avoid letting the field waterlogged. When growing on rice land, farmers can apply overflow irrigation by flooding the field with 2-3 cm and then draining all the water after an hour or so. This method is commonly used to help the bean field always retain moisture, the ground is not scum, limit labor and save watering costs. Incorporating water into the field at each time of fertilizing helps beans and vegetables grow well.

Proceed to harvest when the soybeans and vegetables are 80-90% firm. Depending on the variety, it can be harvested when the tree is 65-70 days old. When harvesting, the beans must be stored in a shady place, without scratching, crushing or breaking the fruit and transported to the place of collection within 2 hours. Since this is a fruit bean that needs to be harvested and transported as quickly as possible, avoid leaving it in the sun and harvesting for a long time, the fruit will be discolored.

Support to replicate Bac Giang province.

It is known that nearly 50% of Bac Giang's agricultural products are consumed outside the province and exported. Therefore, linking production and product consumption is an inevitable solution for the sustainable development of the agricultural industry, especially during the current epidemic period. Because only the production link, the procurement is centralized and convenient for the registration of the "green stream" for transportation and consumption.

However, the number of production chains in Bac Giang is still quite modest. The reason is that farmers are still used to old, spontaneous farming practices. At the same time, the land was divided into small pieces, making it difficult for many businesses and cooperatives to want to invest and accumulate into a large raw material area.

In order for the production chain to be effective, participating households are provided with seed by the cooperative, technical training, and husbandry according to the procedures set out by the cooperative, ensuring clean production, disease safety and food hygiene. . With this direction of husbandry, by 2020, 50/87 households have been certified to meet VietGAP standards.

Support to replicate Bac Giang province
Support to replicate Bac Giang province
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the agricultural sector in Vietnam, affecting the supply chain, labor availability, export markets, prices, and consumer behavior. the challenges posed by the ongoing pandemic. Despite the challenges, the agricultural sector in Vietnam demonstrated resilience and adaptability during the pandemic. Farmers explored alternative marketing channels, diversified their production, and adopted technology to improve productivity and reduce dependence on labor-intensive processes. This adaptability has allowed the sector to bounce back and recovered.
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