In recent years, many vegetable growers have bought their own seeds and planted them in their home gardens, the results show that cabbage vegetables grow well. Migration of cabbages vegetables to the Mekong Delta is one of the successes for people in this land.

The Mekong Delta, located in the southwestern part of Vietnam, experiences a dynamic and distinct climate due to its geographical features and proximity to the Mekong River. This region, often referred to as the "Rice Bowl of Vietnam," is characterized by a tropical climate with unique seasonal variations. The Mekong Delta's climate is influenced by the monsoon system, resulting in two main seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. These seasons play a significant role in shaping the agricultural landscape and the lives of the people in the region.
Cabbage, a cold-loving vegetable, holds a special place as a staple in the winter diet of northern regions.

Its resilience to low temperatures and ability to thrive in chilly conditions make it a reliable and versatile vegetable during the colder months. Cabbages adaptability to colder climates is a result of its natural characteristics. It possesses a dense structure and a thick outer layer of leaves that act as protective shields against the cold. These features enable cabbage plants to with stand frost and continue growing even in the harshest winter conditions.
In northern regions, where the winter season brings frigid temperatures and limited fresh produce options, cabbage becomes a valuable source of nutrients and sustenance. Its availability and affordability make it an accessible choice for households seeking to maintain a well-rounded diet during the colder months. Cabbages versatility in the kitchen further enhances its appeal as a winter staple. It can be prepared in various ways, allowing for a diverse range of culinary creations. Cabbage can be enjoyed raw in salads, providing a refreshing crunch and a mild flavor. It can also be cooked in soups, stews, stir-fries, and even fermented to create traditional dishes like sauerkraut or kimchi. As winter settles in, cabbage remains a reliable and nutritious vegetable that sustains northern communities through the cold season. Its cold-loving nature, culinary versatility, and nutritional value make it an indispensable component of the winter diet in the North.
The efforts to migration of cabbage cultivation beyond Da Lat and the Mekong Delta of farmers.
In recent years, the cultivation of cabbage has expanded beyond the Da Lat region. While the weather conditions in the Mekong Delta differ from the cool climate of Da Lat, local growers have been experimenting with growing cabbage in their own gardens to reduce transportation costs and maintain freshness.
However, there are certain limitations to growing cabbage in the Mekong Delta. The size and tightness of the cabbage heads may not reach the same standards as those grown in Da Lat due to the differences in climate and soil conditions. The ideal planting season is relatively short, ranging from September to December when the temperature drops and the weather becomes cooler and drier.
During the hot months, the cabbage plants may face challenges in growth, and the formation of heads may be affected. The higher temperatures and potentially higher humidity can impact the development of the cabbage heads, resulting in smaller and less compact heads.

Despite these challenges, local growers in the Mekong Delta provinces have embraced home gardening and are successfully cultivating cabbage to meet the local demand. By growing cabbage closer to the consumers, they can ensure fresher produce and reduce transportation costs, offering a more affordable option for customers.
The efforts to expand cabbage cultivation beyond Da Lat in the Mekong Delta provinces demonstrate the adaptability and determination of local growers. Through experimentation and adjusting planting techniques to suit the specific conditions, they continue to contribute to the availability of cabbage in the region and provide an alternative source of this nutritious and versatile vegetable.
To achieve a successful cabbage crop in home gardens, the following points should be noted:
Soak the cabbage seeds in warm water at 50°C for half an hour, then transfer them to cold water and soak for 10 hours before sowing. The recommended seed sowing rate is about 2g per square meter. After sowing the seeds, cover the surface of the bed with a layer of compost, straw, or rice husks. Use a thin black nylon mesh to protect the bed from heavy rain, intense sunlight, and to prevent seed washout during irrigation. Cover the bed completely for the first week, and afterwards, only cover it during heavy rain or intense sunlight. After sowing, use a watering can with a fine nozzle to water the seeds.
Once the seedlings emerge, water them 1-2 times per day. Afterward, water once every two days to maintain a moisture level of about 70-80%. Remove diseased or weak seedlings, and trim the remaining ones to a height of 2-3 cm. When the seedlings reach 10-15 days old, fertilize them by dissolving fertilizer in water and watering the plants in the cool afternoon. The recommended fertilizer application for seedlings is 0.5 kg of urea + 1 kg of DAP per 100 square meters. When the plants have 5-6 true leaves, they are ready for transplanting.
The soil for cabbage cultivation should be well-drained, rich in organic matter, and loose. It is best to plant cabbage on soil that has been previously used for other crops. Prepare the soil thoroughly, with a bed width of 1-1.2 meters, and ensure good drainage. Transplant the seedlings in the cool afternoon immediately after uprooting them. Plant the cabbage in two parallel rows along the bed, with a spacing of 0.5 meters between rows and 50 cm between plants. After transplanting, water the plants twice a day in the early morning and cool afternoon using a watering hose or a container with a sprinkler for the first three days. Once the plants have established roots, reduce the frequency of watering.

This versatile vegetable plays a crucial role in the delta's agricultural sector, providing both economic opportunities for farmers and a fresh, nutritious ingredient for consumers. The Mekong Delta's cabbage production exemplifies the region's agricultural prowess and its contribution to Vietnam's food security and culinary traditions. cabbage to the Mekong Delta. By following these tips and providing proper care, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of fresh and delicious cabbage from your own garden. Experiment with different varieties and cooking methods to fully appreciate the versatility of this nutritious vegetable. Happy growing up!